Mateusz Bryll

Software Engineer

About me

Hello! I'm Mateusz, a seasoned software engineer passionate about crafting innovative solutions. With over eight years of experience in software development, I've journeyed from the trenches of .NET and Angular development to the leadership role of an Engineering Manager.

Throughout my professional journey, I've had the privilege of contributing to many projects, each one a unique opportunity to flex my technical muscles and deliver high-quality solutions.

One of my true passions is the practice of Domain Driven Design, a methodology that empowers me to create elegant, maintainable, and scalable software architectures. It's this blend of technical know-how and a commitment to best practices that drives me to continuously push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of software engineering.



As a software engineer, my expertise lies in C#, my primary programming language.

In web development, I excel in ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET Core MVC.

My architectural and design skills extend to Microservices and Domain Driven Design (DDD), with a focus on Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).

I leverage technologies like Entity Framework, Dapper, and StackExchange.Redis for efficient database access.

In testing and quality assurance, I employ xUnit for unit testing, Benchmark.NET for performance analysis, and FluentAssertions and FluentValidation for expressive and robust validation.

To enhance resilience and reliability, I utilize Polly for fault tolerance. 


In frontend development, I specialize in crafting engaging user interfaces using Angular, which is the foundation for creating dynamic and responsive web applications.

I have a strong grasp of HTML and CSS, ensuring seamless integration of design and functionality. TypeScript is my preferred language for enhancing code quality and maintainability, while Redux and NGRX enable me to manage application state effectively.

I'm well-versed in working with Monorepo structures and NxWorkspace, streamlining development workflows. Additionally, I leverage Angular Material and Angular Elements to build reusable components and perform unit testing using Jasmine.

For design and prototyping, I utilize Adobe XD to bring user-centric designs to life.


In terms of data storage, I possess extensive experience in managing various database systems.

I excel in working with relational databases such as MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle, ensuring efficient data organization and retrieval.

Additionally, I'm well-versed in NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Redis, enabling me to handle diverse data storage needs effectively.

My expertise in these systems allows for robust data management and seamless integration into web applications.


I employ Docker as a critical tool in my development workflow in DevOps and containerization.

I craft efficient Dockerfiles using best practices, such as careful layers planning, installing dependencies without caching, and utilizing the lightweight Alpine Linux distribution whenever feasible.

Additionally, I optimize Dockerfiles with multi-stage builds to ensure lean and efficient container images. I also specialize in publishing .NET applications as platform-specific containers, enhancing compatibility and performance.

Docker serves as my primary environment for CI/CD pipelines, enabling seamless automation of deployment processes.

Furthermore, I leverage Docker for integration testing, ensuring consistent and reliable application performance across various environments.


In Kubernetes orchestration, I demonstrate proficiency in creating and managing clusters using platforms like AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service), EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service), and Kubeadm.

I implement essential features such as Liveness, Readiness, and Startup Probes and define CPU and memory limits for resource allocation.

I use cert-manager, which is seamlessly integrated with the Ingress controller. This integration is configured to work with ACME Certificate Authorities. It is complemented by Azure DNS or Route 53 to enable the automatic DNS01 ACME challenge.

I employ Helm charts to streamline deployment and management, ensuring consistency and efficiency in complex environments.

Furthermore, I possess a deep understanding of Kubernetes architecture, encompassing control planes and worker nodes, and I implement autoscaling and load-balancing strategies to optimize application performance.


In my Git repositories, I employ best practices to maintain an organized and efficient codebase. I utilize a mono repo structure and Git submodules for modular code management.

My repositories encompass not only application code but also infrastructure components.

I'm proficient in Git platforms like GitHub and GitLab, where I practice effective version control and collaboration.

Pull Requests are a vital part of my workflow, ensuring code quality and collaboration when working within a team. This approach extends to application code and infrastructure configurations, creating a seamless and reliable development environment.

Seamless working technologies

Seamless working technologies


As a software engineer, my expertise lies in C#, my primary programming language.

In web development, I excel in ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET Core MVC.

My architectural and design skills extend to Microservices and Domain Driven Design (DDD), with a focus on Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).

I leverage technologies like Entity Framework, Dapper, and StackExchange.Redis for efficient database access.

In testing and quality assurance, I employ xUnit for unit testing, Benchmark.NET for performance analysis, and FluentAssertions and FluentValidation for expressive and robust validation.

To enhance resilience and reliability, I utilize Polly for fault tolerance. 


In frontend development, I specialize in crafting engaging user interfaces using Angular, which is the foundation for creating dynamic and responsive web applications.

I have a strong grasp of HTML and CSS, ensuring seamless integration of design and functionality. TypeScript is my preferred language for enhancing code quality and maintainability, while Redux and NGRX enable me to manage application state effectively.

I'm well-versed in working with Monorepo structures and NxWorkspace, streamlining development workflows. Additionally, I leverage Angular Material and Angular Elements to build reusable components and perform unit testing using Jasmine.

For design and prototyping, I utilize Adobe XD to bring user-centric designs to life.


In terms of data storage, I possess extensive experience in managing various database systems.

I excel in working with relational databases such as MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle, ensuring efficient data organization and retrieval.

Additionally, I'm well-versed in NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Redis, enabling me to handle diverse data storage needs effectively.

My expertise in these systems allows for robust data management and seamless integration into web applications.


I employ Docker as a critical tool in my development workflow in DevOps and containerization.

I craft efficient Dockerfiles using best practices, such as careful layers planning, installing dependencies without caching, and utilizing the lightweight Alpine Linux distribution whenever feasible.

Additionally, I optimize Dockerfiles with multi-stage builds to ensure lean and efficient container images. I also specialize in publishing .NET applications as platform-specific containers, enhancing compatibility and performance.

Docker serves as my primary environment for CI/CD pipelines, enabling seamless automation of deployment processes.

Furthermore, I leverage Docker for integration testing, ensuring consistent and reliable application performance across various environments.


In Kubernetes orchestration, I demonstrate proficiency in creating and managing clusters using platforms like AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service), EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service), and Kubeadm.

I implement essential features such as Liveness, Readiness, and Startup Probes and define CPU and memory limits for resource allocation.

I use cert-manager, which is seamlessly integrated with the Ingress controller. This integration is configured to work with ACME Certificate Authorities. It is complemented by Azure DNS or Route 53 to enable the automatic DNS01 ACME challenge.

I employ Helm charts to streamline deployment and management, ensuring consistency and efficiency in complex environments.

Furthermore, I possess a deep understanding of Kubernetes architecture, encompassing control planes and worker nodes, and I implement autoscaling and load-balancing strategies to optimize application performance.


In my Git repositories, I employ best practices to maintain an organized and efficient codebase. I utilize a mono repo structure and Git submodules for modular code management.

My repositories encompass not only application code but also infrastructure components.

I'm proficient in Git platforms like GitHub and GitLab, where I practice effective version control and collaboration.

Pull Requests are a vital part of my workflow, ensuring code quality and collaboration when working within a team. This approach extends to application code and infrastructure configurations, creating a seamless and reliable development environment.

HowI work

  • Advocating collaboration, I work closely with diverse teams to foster innovation.
  • Guided by data-driven insights, I strive for excellence in every project I undertake.
  • Incorporating Agile methodologies, I ensure adaptability and iterative development.
  • Leveraging mentorship, I empower others to grow and excel in their careers.
  • Efficiently managing projects, I maintain an organized workflow for collaborative success.


I use Scrum and Agile methodologies to foster collaboration, adaptability, and iterative development.


Event Storming

I use workshops to visualize complex systems and maintain shared understanding.



I leverage data-driven insights to measure performance and drive informed decision-making.


Domain Modeling

I create structured representations to capture and refine complex system concepts, fostering clear communication and design.



In mentoring, I provide guidance and knowledge sharing to empower others in their professional growth and skill development.


Data Analysis

I harness insights to inform strategic choices and drive data-driven outcomes.

{Ciekawa prezentacja o konteneryzacji. Dzięki za podzielenie się swoimi doświadczeniami w codziennym zarządzaniu developmentem. Pozdrawiam 🙂
Ahmed Osman
PHP/JS Developer, eVolpe Consulting Group
{Mateusz, pracujemy wspólnie od ponad 12 miesięcy. Jesteś najlepszym team leaderem z jakim przyszło mi współpracować. - Masz dużą wiedzę, którą się dzielisz. - Rozumiesz procesy biznesowe oraz to jak nasze zmiany na nie wpływają. - Cechuje Cię duża dojrzałość - wszystkie decyzje jakie podejmujesz są przemyślane i uwzględniają wszystkie aspekty (techniczne, biznesowe oraz ludzkie). - Aktywnie proponujesz rozwiązania i usprawnienia. - Z mojej perspektywy implementacja zmian wynikających z Antylichwy (które w sposób krytyczny wpłynęły na procesy Allegro Pay) nie odbyłaby się tak bezproblemowo i bezstresowo bez Twojego udziału. Aktywnie uczestniczyłeś i prowadziłeś analizy i działania tak aby zapewnić nie dość, że terminowe to najlepsze z możliwych rozwiązań. Czego skutkiem jest proces działający bez błędów oraz nie wpływający negatywnie na nasze wyniki biznesowe. - Świetnie prowadzisz i zarządzasz zespołem, wszystkie spotkania z Wami i Tobą są efektywne oraz w super atmosferze. Jest na nich przestrzeń do rozmowy, zgłaszania zastrzeżeń i pomysłów. Czuć, że każdy jest sznaowany i jego zdanie się liczy
Lidia Sawczuk
Senior Product Manager, Allegro Pay
{Uważam, że jesteś dojrzałym liderem i wzorem do naśladowania jeśli chodzi o umiejętności przywódcze. Znasz mocne strony każdego z członków zespołu i pracujesz nad tym aby je rozwijać np. przez dawanie im odpowiedzialności za prowadzenie inicjatyw. Wiesz kiedy należy wskazać drogę, motywować oraz podejmujesz trudne decyzje kiedy wymaga tego sytuacja, dzięki czemu wyzwania które stoją przed zespołem: - braki osobowe; - praca manualna; - konieczność tworzenia MVP i często godzenia się na dług techniczny; są zaopiekowane i pozwoliło to na zrealizowanie naszych planów w zakresie compliance i dowiezienie takich projektów jak: - antylichwa - zbieranie brakujących danych - synchronizacja danych - przygotowanie do wdrożenia DSA Bardzo cenię sobie nasze spotkania, ponieważ dają mi poszerzoną perspektywę, a także pozwalają mi uczyć się od Ciebie nowych sposobów rozwiązywania problemów. Jesteś proaktywny w szukaniu usprawnień pracy zespołu, sukcesywnie wdrażasz zmiany jak trzymanie się capacity na sprint, dbanie o DoR i DoD, czy propozycja kategorii "wrzutki" aby oceniać wpływ zadań spoza backlogu, co pozwala na coraz lepsze planowanie pracy i trafniejsze estymaty, a to przekłada się na realne podejście do roadmap. Nasza wspólna praca nad organizacją backlogu pozwala na bardziej całościowe podejście do rozwoju naszych produktów. Wiem, że mogę polegać na Twojej wiedzy domenowej, a Twoje propozycje w zakresie rozwiązań technicznych czy infrastrukturalnych są przemyślane i trafne, co widać również po tym jak duży masz autorytet w zespole.
Robert Rabiega
Senior Product Manager, Allegro Pay

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Mywork experiencetrail

September 2022
September 2022

Allegro Pay

Engineering Manager

I orchestrated the architectural and strategic direction of technical projects, balanced technical and business priorities, and cultivated an environment that prioritized open communication, and data-driven decision-making.

November 2019
November 2019 Poland

Lead Software Engineer, Team Leader

I held the position of Lead Full Stack .NET and Angular Software Engineer while also serving as a System Architect and Team Leader. Additionally, I played a crucial role in programming alongside my team to deliver value in an agile manner.

July 2017
July 2017


Senior Software Engineer, Project Manager

I was a Full Stack Software Engineer, maintaining and developing the company's most significant product. I stepped into the role of Project Manager for a critical project with our largest client under urgent circumstances.

April 2016
April 2016

NetComm Technologies

Software Developer

I worked as a Software Developer. My primary responsibility was to develop products within the .NET environment for the company's most prominent client. I also had the role of collecting requirements in addition to my responsibilities as a Software Developer.

2016 - 2018
2016 - 2018

Poznan University of Technology

Faculty of  Computing
Advanced Internet Technologies

Degree: Master of Science
Final grade:
Very good with distinction
Thesis title: Microservice Architecture in a Distributed Web Application

2012 - 2016
2012 - 2016

Poznan University of Technology

Faculty of  Electrical Engineering
Security of InformationTechnology (IT) Systems

Degree: Bachelor of Science Engineer
Final grade:
Very good with distinction
Thesis title: Implementation of Token-based Authentication in RESTful Web Services

Mypresentations and events

PUT.NET Software Engineering Talks 2024
Apr 24 2024

PUT.NET Software Engineering Talks 2024

Containerization from a .NET developer perspective

Jan 25 2024

SysOps/DevOps MeetUp #61

Containerization from a .NET developer perspective

Mar 23 2023

Allegro Tech Talks #35

Does every byte matter?

Let's connect and blaze new trails!


Together we can build a new application from idea to production!
